

SECOND CUP: Lovely Ladies/Dandy Dudes project

SECOND CUP: Lovely Ladies/Dandy Dudes project
SECOND CUP: Lovely Ladies/Dandy Dudes project
and last updated

MIDWAY, FL -- On Thursday’s Second Cup, Gloria Curry-Foster stopped by to explain more about her ‘Lovely Ladies/Dandy Dudes’ initiative.

The goal is to raise money to purchase colorful turbans for inpatient women and baseball caps for men at Centre Point Rehab Center. For a variety of reason, some patients are not able to maintain daily good grooming habits. These turbans and hats would ensure that when they attend physical therapy, greet guests or go to the dining room, they’ll always look their best.

Foster is hoping to raise $1,500.

For more information on how you can donate, click here