

Worst School Drop-Off Zones: Kate Sullivan Elementary

Posted at 7:56 AM, Nov 07, 2017
and last updated 2018-02-08 12:54:31-05

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - Parents just want to make sure their children are safe.

Unfortunately, some parents fear that just getting to school each morning is a major risk.

We asked you on Facebook which school drop-off zones pose the biggest safety concerns, and you answered.

Although we received many responses, "Jo Anne's" caught our attention. She explains that Kate Sullivan, though the crossing guards do an amazing job, sometimes actually coming between moving cars and the children, gets scary. On the same road are K-S, Cobb, Leon and the hospital.

Kate Sullivan Elementary sits just off Miccosukee Road, which many people consider to be a main artery through town. But it's not the number of cars that worries parents.

Joe Gabovitz, the parent of a Kate Sullivan Elementary Student: "The traffic is one thing. It's the safety of the people crossing the street."

"Cars that travel along Miccosukee Road in the morning and afternoon hours really cause a concern for the parents as they don't really slow down for the children in the crosswalks."

"It seems that people come through here and they forget they're in a school zone and the speed goes up," Gabovitz said. "Or, you know, we have side roads that are feeding into Miccosukee. There's a lot of foot traffic between the school opening and school closing and people aren't always looking."

And it's not just the morning traffic. Parents like Gabovitz recognize that afternoons can get just as busy, forcing pedestrians to exercise caution yet again.

"You're going to have a lot of traffic here because people will be picking their kids up by car," Gabovitz said. "But also, you have a lot of traffic coming in the afternoon, people leaving work or just trying to get through."

Of course, you have crossing guards like Mr. Bob who ensure that traffic is stopped before allowing the kids to walk across the street. Leon County Sheriff's Office knows that sometimes traffic may get backed up while children are walking, but it's important that you stop anyway.

Lt. Grady Jordan of the Leon County Sheriff's Office, PIO: "Obey the school crossing guards. We have crossing guards at every school that help direct traffic and help direct that flow of pedestrian traffic across the street."

Because no one wants these children putting their lives in danger on the way to school.

In Tallahassee, Jennifer Meyers, WTXL ABC 27.

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